ISO--9126 Software Quality Framework

ISO--9126 Quality Framework

ISO-9126 is International Standard for Software Evaluation, it provides hierarchical framework for quality definition, organized into quality characteristics. There are six top-level quality characteristics that are summarized below:

1. Functionality

Functionality is the essential quality attribute of any software product. Functionality refer to how well the software perform it’s functions. The function are those which are predefined in the software specification this feature allows that whether the software is providing the desired results or not to satisfy customer/user. Example of functionality include order processing, login user etc. functionality is the totality of the essential function that the software is meant for.

2. Reliability

This quality attribute define that how will software is performing it’s functionality under certain condition for a certain period of time. This attribute tells that how will a software solution maintain its performance level when used under stated condition. This feature is used to measure performance of the software.

3. Usability

This quality feature define that how easy it is to use the software services/functionality from the end user perspective. This feature tell that how easily it’s to learn the product to use it. This feature also tells how much time would be required to train a new user to use its functionality. Usability feature is the assessment of the user interface of the software product.

4. Efficiency

Efficiency is the relationship of overall performance of the software solution and the resources used while providing its desired functionality. This attribute is concerned with how much disk space is used how much network is used how much memory is used when providing the required functionality. This attribute examines how well the software is providing its level of performance relative to the usage of system resources.

5. Maintainability

Maintainability characteristic of the software tells that how well the software could be maintained. Its refer to how much effort would be needed to identify fault in the software and how much effort would be needed to fix that fault. This feature also define how easy it is to add new feature to a software product.

6. Portability

Portability refers to the set of attributes related to the ability of software to be transferred from one environment to another. The portability characteristic tells about how well and easily software can be ported from one environment to another. Presence of functionality is required to measure. This attribute also refers to how well the software can adopt to changes in its requirements as well. Due to available to multiple platforms these days in 2017 this feature is very critical for the success because it might happen that one feature might work in one version of OS but fails to work properly in another version of OS of same platform.
Note: Presence of the functionality is required for all of the attributes to measure because functionality is the first and fundamental attribute.

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